Building On An Existing Foundation

We are often asked if we can build a home on an existing foundation. It really is on a case-by-case basis. Here is why:

Foundations are designed for the home that they were initially designed for. So, if you have a set of plans, and let’s say, for illustration purposes, your home burned down and you want to replace it, we can do that. We often require putting your home plans into our Blue Prints.

If you want to use your foundation for an entirely different home, say even placing a two-story on a one story foundation, we might be able to do that based on the soils in and around your foundation. It’s true that the width of your foundation walls, and the size of the footing may limit us and what we can build on top of the foundation, although it is not entirely impossible to put a two-story home on a rambler or single-story foundation. We charge nothing to come to your lot and inspect, but if it is decided that you can and want to build a home, cost will vary due to the aspect of your project. Significantly more site visits are needed for measurements, inspections etc. Your city or county engineers may require that you hire a geo-tech to give a report on your soils and if they can maintain a larger structure than the original or a required a type of concrete “X-Ray” to see if adequate rebar (steel) is in your foundation. If there was a fire there may be additional hoops to jump through with local counties and cities, as well as insurance companies. Our custom homes packages cost vary, so please feel free to contact us about your particular needs.

Please feel free to contact us about your project!

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