Storage Truss
Typical Storage Truss

Have you ever wished you had more storage space in your home? Perhaps you have boxes of childhood memorabilia that you don’t want to get rid of, suitcases that you only use once a year at vacation time, sports equipment, and so on, but you wish you didn’t need to use a valuable closet space to hang on to them. That space in your attic can be used for keeping items that are rarely used, leaving your closet space free for the things you use more frequently.

True Built Home is now offering storage trusses as an upgrade. While not designed for living space, the added space will give you room for keeping suitcases, boxes, lights, and so on. The trusses do not come with a pull-down staircase because local code in and around cities/counties are murky and difficult to navigate. Better is to install them after the home has had its final, making it easy for you to access your belongings. The entire upgrade package runs between $1500 – $2000 depending on the house. Availability depends on the roof system design of the house that you order. Ask your sales representative for more details on this great new feature!

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