What is the Processing Fee for?

What is the Processing Fee for?

When you order a True Built Home and you sign the contract, you are asked for a processing fee. This processing fee is for administrative costs that True Built Home incurs well before we ever pour foundation. When you sign your order, we immediately begin working.

The work that our office staff does includes, but is not limited to:

  • Processing your contract
  • Preparing your blueprints *(See Below)
  • Standard Engineering of the home
  • Getting bids from subcontractors
  • The salary of the salesperson who helped you
  • Helping you with any information you need for your permit application and loan application. Taking your permit to the county and paying fees is the responsibility of client.

So as you can see, we begin performing services for you immediately on signing of your contract. For this reason our processing fee is non-refundable. You might be asking how much might the fee be? Our fee can be as low as $1,700 for garage plans and can get as high as $5,500 if you are doing a non True Built Home plan. Normally you might realistically be looking at between $3,000-5,000.

*The standard processing fee covers the blueprints if the plan is stock with no redrawing of the house plan. If your house plan is being redrawn for you and deviates from the stock plan that you see on our website, then there will be an additional redraw fee. As mentioned earlier that fee normally never exceeds $5,500.

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