How It Works

At True Built Home we frequently sell homes to clients with no construction background, many of whom feel somewhat overwhelmed with the process. During construction you will hear many terms used that you might not have heard before (framer, header, step foundation, etc). If you have no construction background, many of these terms will be unfamiliar to you and so you might feel somewhat insecure. Our desire is that you enjoy the entire process and not feel ‘in the dark’.

This section is devoted to helping the novice to understand the steps to building a house. It is not intended as a comprehensive “how to” guide, but is very basic information simply to help someone who has never been involved in building a home to have some understanding of what is going on. The articles listed will briefly discuss the basics of various aspects of home building as well as some key definitions. If you see something that you would like more clarification or development on, please let us know at [email protected], and we will do our best to improve on the information contained within.

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