Subcontractor – Spokane Sunscreen

Spokane Sun ScreenAs an on your lot builder, building stock or custom plans, we do a lot with subs that have created a product or service that messes well with our homes. Rick Johnson with Spokane Sunscreen custom window tinting happens to be one of those contractors. You may not know it, but over time the UV coming through your windows is robbing the color from the fabric of your carpet, leather furniture, paintings, and anything that may contain a pigment of color. For instance, go look for yourself on the back side of a chair or sofa that faces the window in your home. That is the power of the sun. While we all enjoy the bright days of summer and winter, our home essentials don’t do well with the power of the UV produced.

If you are worried, and you should be, at maintaining the quality of your home goods, you should get a free quote from Rick to see what product suits your needs and may save you thousands of dollars in replacement cost. You can reach Rick several ways: by phone at 509-328-4015, email at [email protected] , or online at

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